CHF Summit 2021: Shifting Gears


CHF Summit 2021: Shifting Gears will bring together consumers and other leaders from the health sector to share the latest in consumer leadership & collaboration - in research, policy, priority setting and translation, ethical practice, and service innovation and improvement.


For consumers and the organisations which support them, the CHF Summit will offer the pre-eminent opportunity to share your skills and learn from others experience about how to affect change as a consumer advocate. We will be offering a pre-conference workshop on experience-based co-design, so you can build your skills. Or get involved with the Big Ideas Forum which will showcase ideas from consumers on how to improve our health care systems. The Summit will also provide the opportunity to meet and network with consumer leaders from around Australia and New Zealand.


Come along to the CHF Summit to build your skills in developing collaborative partnerships with your patients and to break down the cultural barriers that often exist between those providing the services and those receiving them. Consider co-presenting your experience with alongside your consumer collaborator to enable others to learn from your journey. Hear from consumers about how they would like to be involved in your practices. Attend the pre-conference workshop on experience-based co-design to build your skills at collaborating with consumers.


As patient experience becomes a pillar of excellence in health care delivery, health services providers need to understand and optimise their use of processes that involve consumers in their practice. Whether your service is a leader in this space, or your staff need to learn the basics, come along to the CHF Summit to improve your practice. Explore how to build the leadership capacity of consumer advocates and promoting collaborative relationships and practices between consumers and your organisation. We will also be exploring upcoming trends in digital health and other emerging practices which you may wish to consider employing in your service.


Hear directly from consumers about how they want their health care systems and service to operate. Learn about or share your experience in best practice inclusion of consumers in policy decisions. Hear case studies from around Australia and New Zealand highlighting how the involvement of consumers has led to service improvements, systems changes and better outcomes for health consumers.


Build a relationship with the end users of your product or service. Hear consumer views about how they interact with various parts of the health system. Understand upcoming trends and changes in healthcare that may affect your business by hearing from consumers and policymakers driving the changes. Become involved as partner in the Summit to speak directly to our audience through a variety of pathways.


Consumer and community involvement in research projects are becoming standard across all types and levels of health and medical research. Come to the Summit alongside your consumer collaborator to share your experiences on how collaborating with Consumers has led to more effective research translation or improved quality and health outcomes. If you are new to working with consumers you will learn about how to embed consumer participation in all facets of your research cycle.